Rain from earlier on in the afternoon subsided and occasional sunshine together with a brisk breeze soon dried the ground out so all the geraniums were safely planted; thanks to the fantastic volunteers who came along to help this evening.  Along with Middlewich Clean Team there were cubs, church members, members of the U3A, Tesco staff and Kingdom Kids.  The youngest person was still in nappies and one of our older members got down and dirty with the help of a walking stick. 

This was truly a team effort – it just shows when we all work together great things can be achieved.

St Michael’s Mothers Union kindly ensured that the volunteers had light refreshments afterwards and Ian Jones came along to capture the moment – the photographs will be visible if you click here or the “Read More” link below.


This is our photo gallery from the Community Planting Spring 2015. Clicking any image will open a larger image viewer.

A lovely green church yard, some colourful flowers would be nice though:



All photos Ian Jones